Cyber Portfolio Quoting for US Brokers From CFC; New DUAL Fine Art Coverage Capacity; Falcon Risk’s Pro Liability for Agents, Brokers

Cyber Portfolio Quoting for US Brokers From CFC; New DUAL Fine Art Coverage Capacity; Falcon Risk’s Pro Liability for Agents, Brokers

CFC Launches Cyber Portfolio Quoting for American Brokers

CFC said it has launched a new service to automate quoting for up to thousands of policies.

Initially available for CFC’s cyber products, US brokers can now bulk quote their entire book of business in a single, frictionless process.

“Sending individual submissions on thousands of accounts takes an enormous amount of resource from time-stretched brokers,” says Pat Brice, distribution director at CFC. “Our new portfolio quoting service will not only free this time up for them to spend on more valuable complex client demands and relationship building, but also help them cross-sell different products across their entire portfolio.”

CFC’s new portfolio quoting service involves three simple steps:

  1. Brokers send the required client information
  2. CFC automatically generates quotes for all eligible clients
  3. Brokers review and bind

DUAL North America Announces $100M Per Risk Fine Art Coverage

DUAL North America said it secured $100 million per risk capacity for fine art, jewelry, couture, wine and spirits, and other valuable assets.

Specifically built to address the evolving needs of the fine art world, this new capacity covers risks including wildfire, hurricane, earthquake and flood. The new $100 million per risk capacity offers proprietary open peril coverage for private collectors, galleries, museums and corporate collections.

Peter Gosselink, EVP Fine Arts commented: “With this increased capacity, DUAL is responding more effectively to the rapidly evolving needs of our clients, who are increasingly looking for more substantial and consistent coverage in today’s volatile climate”

Falcon Risk Services Introduces SOAR: Professional Liability Insurance for Agents and Brokers

Falcon Risk Services, an MGA majority owned by HDI Global Specialty, announced the launch of SOAR, a standalone form tailored specifically for insurance agents and brokers.

SOAR offers a comprehensive coverage framework that sets a new standard for reliability and service. It caters to a wide range of industry professionals, including property/casualty agents, wholesale brokers, and managing general agents. Coverage is available on both primary and excess basis, accommodating businesses with commission volumes up to $2 billion for primary. With limits of up to $10 million, SOAR provides extensive financial protection, ensuring peace of mind for Falcon’s insureds.


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